Meet Nadine Cameron
I’m Nadine Cameron, the Founder, Chief Strategist & Art Director at Licorne AGENCY. I come from a Marketing & Design background and have been helping SMEs market their businesses since 2011.
What are you best known for?
Getting s**t done. Some people call me a jack of all trades, I prefer polymath. If we don’t have the expertise in house to do something, we can always find a solution. I have expertise in all fields of digital (and offline) marketing, and I’ll try my hand at whatever is required, whether that’s radio interviews, presenting or hand modelling! Our ethos at Licorne is WIT: Whatever it takes.
Where did it begin for you?
My parents were in the Inflight Media game. There were always piles of Dior and Givenchy samples from their clients in the bathroom and stacks of rate-cards in the toilet! That’s where I first came across some of the media jargon that was to become such a huge part of my life.
If a Genie could grant you a business wish?
Endless time and endless budgets. I am passionate about marketing and I want to be able to give my clients absolutely everything they need! I’ve always had a ‘champagne taste and beer money’ problem, and so I have decided to make my career about bridging that gap in so far as possible. The businesses I work with don’t have the kind of budgets that corporations like Nike and Apple work with, but they still deserve great marketing.
Enter Licorne. We implement the services that make a difference so that our clients can rest assured that their marketing is doing a great job behind the scenes, making them look the part, and bringing in new leads.
Who is your hero and why?
Elizabeth Gilbert. She reminds me of what is important in life, and what is merely anxiety producing fluff! Her book Big Magic has been a huge influence in getting me to do what I am passionate about, and get creative! (And of course I love Eat, Pray, Love!)
Want to chat?
Get in touch to start a conversation about your marketing.