The White Glove Process: the easy way to getting a new business website

If you’ve ever felt frustrated at the web design process, know that you’re not alone. 

When we first started, we kept hearing the same story from the businesses that we spoke to. They were reticent to start a new web design project (even when their business sorely needed it) because they didn’t want to go through the slog of content creation once again… 

They had been burned by previous web design experiences. 

With missed deadlines, tons of copywriting work, and the pressure of knowing that they themselves were holding up their website’s publication (something they had invested a lot of money in!), businesses just didn’t want to go through that again in a hurry…

In fact, I was on a call yesterday with a client who told me he’d spent countless Sundays at his kitchen table trying to write reams of copy and hunt down images on his last website design and was so relieved it had been different this time! 

So yes, take solace, there is an easier way. 

At Licorne, we take a slightly unusual approach to designing websites. Most business owners aren’t web design experts or copywriters, and expecting them to provide all the content was just setting everyone up for failure. 

So, we decided to turn the traditional process on its head. Instead of waiting for clients to deliver content, we’d handle it ourselves.

This is our 100% Done For You service: a white-glove, full-service approach.

We take a deep dive into your business so we can become part of your team, as well versed in your brand, and your goals as you are. This way, we can write the copy, source the right images, and take care of the entire content creation process for you.

We start with an SEO-led chat to figure out which keywords you want to rank for in your niche or local area. From there, we build a page list and navigation structure that fits those needs. Working with our expert copywriters, we create a page structure designed to hit your business’s conversion goals.

We handle as much of the process as possible ourselves, keeping you in the loop with regular check-ins to make sure we’re on the right path. 

In the end, you get a stunning website built on a solid understanding of SEO and conversion-focused design principles, without the hassle of creating the content yourself.

The proof? Our clients love it. Phil, who dreaded his weekend writing sessions, now has a beautiful website ready to be launched without lifting a finger. Sarah, another client, was thrilled not to be the bottleneck in her project, enjoying a smooth, stress-free process.

At Licorne, we’ve redefined the website design process to be as relaxed and client-friendly as possible. Our unique approach not only sets us apart but ensures you get a fantastic website without the typical headaches.


Licorne Agency was founded with one goal in mind:

To offer fully managed web and branding solutions that let SMEs focus on what they do best—running their business.

If you want us to look after your website or branding, please get in touch.

Click here to set up a call


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